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编  著  者 中国图书馆学报编辑部 定价 80.00
责任编辑 唐澈 ISBN 978-7-5013-6373-5
出版时间 2018-03-12 版次 B1
印刷时间 2018-03-12 印次 Y1
库存提示 有书 规格 平装,正16开,
丛  书  名  
所属分类 其他
中图分类 G250-54
读者对象 广大读者
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图书简介[ 滚动 - 展开 ]  
目录[ 滚动 - 展开 ]  
A review of the theory of Library Science in China:1956-2016
Re-discussion of ten hot topics in the development of librarianship
On accelerating the renaissance of public libraries in Central China
The interaction between Library Science Education and the society in China over the past century
The construction of general and branch libraries in China since the 21st century
Structural origins of digital poverty in rural China
The opening and application of Chinese historical geography data in Digital Humanities projects of libraries
Exploring the measurement features of usage data for academic literature
Extended English abstracts of articles published in the Chinese edition of Journal of Library Science in China 2017 Vol.43
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