编  著  者 中国图书馆学报编辑部 定价 80.00
责任编辑 唐澈 ISBN 978-7-5013-7584-4
出版时间 2024-11-28 版次 B1
印刷时间 2024-11-28 印次 Y1
库存提示 有书 规格 平装,正16开,
丛  书  名  
所属分类 其他
中图分类 G250-54
读者对象 广大读者
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图书简介[ 滚动 - 展开 ]  
本书收录《中国图书馆学报》2021年度发表的重点理论文章,包括当前图书馆学情报学研究的前沿问题、热点问题。所收文章既有理论大家的最新研究成果,也有初出茅庐的学科新星的探索之作,如National smart library system, Ideological system of library science in China, The historical development and contemporary construction of the framework of fundamental theory of library science with Chinese characteristics等,这些文章全面反映一年来中国图书馆学研究的状况与水平。
目录[ 滚动 - 展开 ]  

National smart library system: opening a new chapter for the transformation toward

smart libraries   005 

RAO Quan


Ideological system of library science in China: abstraction, core and value  020

KE Ping  


The historical development and contemporary construction of the framework

of fundamental theory of library science with Chinese characteristics  040

XIAO Ximing & SHEN Ling


The discipline system, academic system and discourse system of information

science with Chinese characteristics   069

SU Xinning


The basic categories and core propositions of information science with Chinese

characteristics   087

AN Lu, CHEN Miaomiao, SHEN Yan & LI Gang


Historical development and contemporary construction of the basic theoretical

system of archival science with Chinese characteristics  115



Digital humanities evaluation: discipline, professionalism and technicality  137

CAI Yingchun


Discovering, reorganizing and storytelling: paths and methods of archives research                                                           

on the perspective of digital humanities  154

NIU Li, GAO Chenxiang, ZHANG Yufeng, YAN Shi, XU Yongjun & LI Anrunze


Sentiment term extraction and application of Chinese ancient poetry text for

digital humanities  181

ZHANG Wei, WANG Hao, DENG Sanhong & ZHANG Baolong


Measuring knowledge hardness for quantifying backbone knowledge  207

Ronda J. ZHANG & Fred Y. YE


Extended English abstracts of articles published in the Chinese edition of

Journal of Library Science in China, Vol.47, 2021      218






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