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编  著  者 中国图书馆学报编辑部 定价 80.00
责任编辑 唐澈 ISBN 978-7-5013-6040-6
出版时间 2017-02-27 版次 B1
印刷时间 2017-02-27 印次 Y1
库存提示 有书 规格 平装,正16开,
丛  书  名  
中图分类 G250-54
读者对象 广大读者
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图书简介[ 滚动 - 展开 ]  
目录[ 滚动 - 展开 ]  
Opportunities and challenges faced by digital libraries in the big data era

Library development model of normalized transformation toward the comprehensive building of a moderately prosperous society

An exploratory study on the construction of standards and assessment of national reading based on multi-dimensional integration

ICT acceptance behavior of rural digital poverty communities: Field reports from China’s six provinces and municipalities

A genealogy data services platform implemented with linked data technologies

The architecture and data model of the National Thesauri Warehouse

Construction and usage of terminology services for information retrieval

Types and description rules of knowledge elements about methods in academic papers

Features of Sina Weibo altmetrics indicator

Extended English abstracts of articles published in the Chinese edition of Journal of Library Science in China 2016 Vol.42
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